07.03.2022. At a virtual event, Prof. Dr. Martin Lohmann from the Forschungsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Reisen e.V. (Research Association for Holidays and Travel). (FUR) will present the first selected results of this year’s travel analysis. On behalf of the FUR, the Ipsos Institute interviewed 6,814 people over the age of 14 from German-speaking countries in December 2021 and January 2022. The results of this large sample were extrapolated to the total population. The analysis was supplemented by the results of an online survey of 7,000 people in May, September and November 2021.
Good prospects for gradual return to «pre-Corona» highs by 2023.
Travel demand for 2022 is at a high. Tourism researchers believe «pre-Corona levels» will be reached in many areas by 2023. Most respondents assess the personal economic situation for 2022 as stable. These positive figures also reflect a need to catch up after the «Corona years» of 2020 and 2021. Even if Corona will still play a role in 2022 – around 28% of respondents, and thus more than in the previous year, have already decided on a vacation destination. Another 33% also want to travel in 2022, but have not yet decided on the destination. The proportion of undecided (27%) and non-travelers (12%), on the other hand, is significantly lower in 2022 than in 2021. In terms of booking methods, online booking dominates at 46% – a similarly high level as in previous years.
Doing something good for yourself, relaxing, experiencing things together – the leading travel motifs
In terms of travel motifs, Lohmann reports an increase in the motifs of «pampering oneself,» fun/enjoyment, health, relaxation and experiencing things together. According to the travel analysis, these vacation motives play a greater role than action and discovering something new. The survey also revealed that environmental and social sustainability are more important to many vacationers than in previous years. However, Prof. Lohmann points out that the sustainability of the trip directly influences the vacation decision for only a few, because many other factors also come into play.
Germany remains the most popular destination for Germans
National destinations lose out slightly in terms of travel intentions in 2022 compared with 2021, when particularly many spent their vacations in their own country because of the pandemic. Nevertheless, Germany as a destination (especially with the German states on the North Sea and Baltic Sea, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg) remains in the lead. Tourism researchers expect growth in 2022 for Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece and other European Mediterranean countries, as well as for Austria.
Little impact of the war on German travel behavior expected, if limitation possible
Prof. Dr. Lohmann emphasizes that the interviews for the travel analysis were conducted before the Russian attack on Ukraine. When making a cautious assessment of how the terrible war will affect travel behavior, the scientist draws on results of travel analyses conducted over the past 35 years. Many vacationers would not refrain from traveling in case of regional disasters, terrorist attacks or wars, but often choose other destinations distant from the crisis area. If the war in Ukraine remains limited or ends quickly, it does not seem likely to have a significant impact on German demand for vacation travel.
Intentions to go camping continue to increase
To be sure, the hotel, followed by vacation apartment/vacation home remains the leader in vacation accommodations. But more and more Germans are shortlisting a camping vacation. The share rose from 6% in 2020 to 7% last year, reaching a peak of 8% for 2022. That would correspond to around 4.2 million camping trips with more than five overnight stays in 2022. Among the interesting forms of vacation in the near future, motorhome vacations, almost as expected, reach a peak: thanks to the continuous growth in popularity over the past twenty years, 12% of Germans are interested in a vacation in a motorhome in the next three years. Regardless of the type of vacation, however, Lohmann also points out that the trend toward discerning, flexible and multi-optional vacationers is continuing. From this, the experienced tourism researcher deduces that vacation forms and travel providers will continue to face intense competition.
Further initial results of the Travel Analysis 2022 can be found here.