- Germany and Sweden still the cheapest camping countries
- Camping holidays will become seven per cent more expensive on average
- Campers will have to pay the most for camping holidays in Croatia and Italy
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The 2023 camping season will open at Easter at the latest. And against the background of rising energy prices and strong inflation, many campers ask themselves: How much camping can I still afford? The current evaluation of PiNCAMP, the ADAC camping portal, on the development of ADAC comparative prices*) shows that camping will remain an affordable form of holiday in 2023. According to this, camping prices will rise by an average of seven percent across Europe in 2023. A camper family with a ten-year-old child will pay an average of 55.7 euros (previous year 52 euros) for an overnight campsite stay in the summer peak season, including pitch, electricity and hot showers. In a European comparison of the main holiday destinations*), Germany and Sweden remain the cheapest camping countries with a comparative ADAC price of 42.6 euros (Germany) and 39 euros (Sweden), as in previous years. For camping holidays in Croatia and Italy, campers have to pay the most with 69.3 euros and 65.8 euros per night respectively.

Croatia with high overnight prices, Great Britain with price decrease
With an average price increase of 15 percent, Croatia takes the top position in the price ranking of camping countries for the first time. The price increase can be explained by the renewed rise in the quality of the camping offer and the changeover to the euro. The previous leader of the last few years, Switzerland, has only slightly increased its overnight prices by 2.5 percent and takes third place after Italy. With an increase of almost 11 per cent, the third largest increase, Austria is in fifth place in the country ranking. Great Britain is the only country in Europe to have reduced camping prices. Here, overnight prices drop by almost 10 percent to an average of 47.1 euros, partly due to the weakening British pound.

Camping prices on the move: Early bookings secure favourable prices
At a time when significant price increases are the order of the day in all areas of life, prices in the camping industry are also on the move. Prices are no longer valid for an entire season, but are adjusted on a daily basis depending on occupancy and demand – as has long been the case in other areas of tourism. Especially campsites in top locations, for example on the North Sea and Baltic Sea, in Italy or Croatia, react quickly to the increased demand and adjust their prices upwards accordingly. « I advise all campers to book as early as possible and thus secure favourable prices in good time, » says Uwe Frers and explains: « With the help of the availability search on pincamp.de, campsites with free capacities and at favourable conditions can be easily found and booked directly online. »
*) Definition: The ADAC comparative price is the total amount a family of three has to pay for an overnight stay in the summer peak season. Included are the costs for two adults, a 10-year-old child, the pitch fee for a motorhome/caravan and a caravan, electricity (5 kWh), hot showers and visitor’s tax. The basis of this price analysis is the average of the highest and lowest overnight price in the summer peak season. At the European level, the price information of 2,000 campsites in the main holiday countries Switzerland, Croatia, Italy, Spain, France, Great Britain, Austria, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden with a three-star rating or higher according to the ADAC classification and with 50 or more tourist pitches was taken into account.