Düsseldorf is once again the meeting place for the camping world. The Caravansalon kicked off on 26 August with the Preview Day and is open until 4 September. Over 70,000 visitors came on the first three days. 736 exhibitors show new caravans and motorhomes in all sizes, price categories, flexible layouts and creative furnishing styles. Also strongly represented: Campervans, innovative tents and accessories. The design and online booking of pitches as well as nature-oriented tourist offers are also focal points.
Focal points include alternative drives and energy
More and more all-electric campervans are going into series production, already achieving ranges of around 300 kilometres. Many campsites are upgrading their charging infrastructure. The range of self-sufficient,
sustainable energy generation and electricity storage systems is growing. Gas-free operation of caravans also plays a major role in Düsseldorf. Whether cooker, refrigerator, heating and air conditioning – manufacturers are focusing on caravans that no longer require a gas cylinder.
Camping for beginners – new guests for the industry
During the pandemic, new target groups came to the campsites. In addition, there is a growing interest in individual holidays in nature that is as intact as possible. The Caravansalon dedicates a separate hall and events with neutral experts to these newcomers to camping: In the StarterWelt in Hall 17, interested visitors can find out what is important when buying and operating a camping vehicle and when travelling.
Campsite operators express satisfaction with the 2022 season
At the Preview Day in Düsseldorf, we also spoke with German camping entrepreneurs: They confirmed that the camping boom will continue. They confirmed that the camping boom is still going strong. as extreme as in the summer of 2021, but still very good. The campsite operators saw challenges campsite operators saw challenges in the medium term in attracting or accommodating employees.