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(Engels) Caravan industry with second-best half-year result despite faltering supply chains

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In the first half of 2022, 55,202 caravans and motorhomes were newly registered in Germany, reports the CIVD, the Caravaning Industrie Verband e.V. This is 12.2 % less than in the first half of the record year 2021.

Too few vehicle chassis, but the boom continues

According to the industry association, the main reason for the decline is faltering supply chains, especially for vehicle chassis for motorhomes. The construction of ultra-compact campervans and caravans was significantly less affected by supply disruptions.

Second-best registration figures in the industry’s history

Without disrupted supply chains, another record result would have been possible. “We hope that the supply situation will ease by the summer of next year and, despite all the problems, we are looking to the future with confidence, because the enthusiasm of the Germans’ enthusiasm for motorhomes and caravans is unbroken,” says Daniel Onggowinarso, Managing Director of the CIVD.

To the press release of the CIVD